Distribuidores - New Zealand
There are 3 distributors for New Zealand
Authorised Distributors
Hallite distributors supporting the demands of our OEM accounts.
Hallite Seals Australia Pty Ltd
Unit 1, 9 Bushells Place
Wetherill Park
NSW 2164
Contact: Tony Pace (Managing Director)
T: (02) 8886 1600
F: (02) 8886 1650
Pacific Seals Christchurch
50 Columbia Avenue
Christchurch 8042
New Zealand
T: + 64 (0)4 566 3180
F: + 64 (0)4 566 3391
Pacific Seals Wellington
35 Victoria Street
Lower Hutt 5012
New Zealand
Contact: Graham Pudney
T: + 64 (0)4 566 3180
F: + 64 (0)4 566 3391