To download and view our current ‘Occupational Health & Safety Management System’ certificate of approval, please select the following:
Hallite Seals (Canada) LTD. is committed to high standards of health and safety across its business activities. We are proud of our good safety record due in large part to a strong health and safety management system, employee involve-ment and continued monitoring of our performance and continuous improvement projects. Our Company business strat-egy ensures that suitable financial support is readily available to enable us to progress our health and safety objectives: maintaining zero reportable injuries, targeting minimum inspection scores of 95% during monthly inspections and main-taining ISO 45001:2018 certification standards.
Health and Safety Statement
1. Statement of Intent
1.1. Hallite Seals (Canada) LTD. recognizes its duty under the Occupational Health and Safety Act R.S.O. 1990 to ensure the health, safety and welfare of its employees, visitors, and all other persons who may be affected by its activities and considers health and safety to be of equal importance to any other function of the company and its business activities.
1.2. Management of health and safety is the first priority of all directors, managers and other employees and is an integral element of the Business Plan and other resource policies.
1.3. Comply with all relevant occupational health and safety regulations, requirements, and standards as a minimum with the intention of achieving best practice where possible.
1.4. Committed to providing safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related injury and ill health by actively promoting safe working practices through documented and maintained management princi-ples.
1.5. Committed to eliminating hazards and reducing health and safety risks by conducting risk assessments and en-suring risk control procedure are applied to all routine and non-routine activities to assure that all hazards are ef-fectively controlled.
1.6. The health and safety objectives of this company are:
1.6.1. To seek continuous improvement in all areas by integrating safety objectives with operational objectives supported by risk assessment, risk reduction and the implementation of preventative measures.
1.6.2. To actively reduce accident / incident levels and to aspire to a target of zero lost time accidents.
1.6.3. To empower staff to work safely and efficiently through the provision of adequate information, instruction, training, and supervision and to create individual responsibility for health and safety at all levels.
1.6.4. To foster and maintain a positive health and safety culture at all levels within the company.
1.7. Committed to achieving these objectives. It will provide sufficient skilled and competent staff, and monetary support to enable the full implementation of this policy and allow individuals to discharge their responsibilities properly.
1.8. Regularly monitor its performance against set targets through departmental inspection and review of the Health and Safety Management System to evaluate its continued effectiveness and suitability.
1.9. Control the activity of any outside contractors when on Company premises through appropriate selection pro-cedures and routine supervision. All contractors must comply with all relevant safety legislation and local safety rules and must provide all appropriate safety documentation as requested.
1.10. Committed to consultation and participation of workers as well as co-operation between management and em-ployees. The joint health and safety committee (JHSC) members and employees will regularly be consulted with regarding health and safety as well as any other interested parties.
1.11. Committed to the continual improvement of our Health and Safety Management System.
1.12. Publicise all relevant information internally via notice boards and the intranet, and externally via the website.
1.13. This policy will be subject to, at minimum, an annual review to evaluate its continued compliance, relevance, and effectiveness in light of evolution within the business and significant changes in OH&S legislation.
It is the responsibility of Hallite Seals (Canada) LTD. to ensure that competent Supervisors have been appointed. These supervisors are accountable for the health and safety of workers under their supervision. Supervisors have a duty to en-sure that machinery and equipment are safe and that employees work in compliance with established safe work practices and procedures regarding health and safety.
Every worker must protect their own health and safety by working in compliance with the law and with safe work practices and procedures established by Hallite. Workers will receive information, training, and competent supervision in their spe-cific work tasks to protect their health and safety. Every worker must be made aware of hazards and they have a duty to report any hazard that may be a danger to themselves or others.
Hallite Seals (Canada) LTD. as an employer is ultimately responsible for worker health and safety. As Managing Director, I give you my personal commitment that I will comply with my duties under legal acts and regulations, such as taking eve-ry reasonable precaution for the protection of workers in the workplace.
Andrew Bonnici
Hallite Seals (Canada) LTD.
Managing Director
September 7, 2023