To download and view our current ‘Quality Management System’ certificate of approval, please select the following:
Hallite Seals (Canada) LTD. is committed to the distribution and manufacturing of hydraulic and pneumatic sealing devices of extremely high quality to our existing and growing customer base in an accurate and timely manner. We are proud of our good quality record due in large part to a strong quality management system, employee involvement and continued monitoring of our performance and continuous improvement projects. Our company business strategy ensures suitable financial support is readily available to enable us to progress our quality objectives: delivering quality products right the first time, on time, customer satisfaction, and maintaining ISO 9001:2015 certification standards.
Quality Statement
1. Statement of Intent
1.1 Everyone is responsible for quality control through the Quality Management System seeking improvement by constant review, with suppliers and sub-contractors being encouraged to co-operate.
1.2 Committed to setting objectives and targets to regularly measure and continuously improve our systems, processes, products, services, and quality management system.
1.3 Committed to defining the business as a series of interrelated processes and managing them accordingly, inline with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015.
1.4 Committed to developing workers through education and training to enable us to achieve our business plans and deliver competitive advantage.
1.5 Committed to working closely with our global suppliers to ensure quality, value and on-time delivery throughout the supply chain.
1.6 Committed to establishing systems which routinely collect data to ensure a factual approach to decision making.
1.7 Committed to a leadership that encourages involvement, innovation, and motivation at all levels, establishing a unit of purpose and removing barriers that impede our ability to improve.
1.8 Committed to supplying sealing and packing solutions to our customers worldwide and delivering quality products with unrivaled performance, cost effectively in order to profitably grow the business.
As Managing Director, I give you my personal commitment that Hallite Seals (Canada) LTD. will be accountable for fully satisfying our customers by meeting or exceeding their needs and expectations with best-in-class solutions and services.
Andrew Bonnici
Hallite Seals (Canada) LTD.
Managing Director
September 7, 2023