Characteristics and performance

The Hallite 754 is comprised of a tough, wear-resistant thermoplastic elastomer face seal which is pre-loaded by a NBR O-ring. The face material comes in a number of material options to extend operating conditions. The housing width allows a narrow width piston to be used.

Product details

We recommend that an adequate bearing, such as the Hallite 506 or 87 bearing strip, is mounted on one or both sides of the seal. For further details of bearing grooves, please refer to the appropriate product data sheet.

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Max pressure *

350 Bar

Temp range


Max speed


* Max pressure stated is dependant on the material variant selected. Please consult the datasheet for further information.

  • Recomended
  • Possible
  • Not suitable

* For fluid types marked as possible, please call our team of experts on +91 80 2372 6000 to talk through your requirements and determine if this seal is the most suitable for your needs.

 Dynamic applicationStatic application
Fluids based on mineral oil  
Waterbased fluids  
HFA (5/95)PossibleRecommended
HFB (60/40 invert emulsion)PossibleRecommended
HFC (water glycol)Not suitableNot suitable
Other fluid types  
HFD (Phosphate ester ARYL Type)Not suitableNot suitable
Synthetic esters (HEES, HFDU)RecommendedRecommended